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Principal's Corner 

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

As we embark on a new school year,  I want to extend a warm welcome and encourage you to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Together, we will create a vibrant learning environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. I look forward to partnering with all of you to make this our best year yet!

Week 8: September 23 - 27 

Hello Fall!

I’m thrilled to welcome the cooler weather, which means more opportunities for outdoor learning! Our Arizona campus really shines when the temperatures dip below 110 degrees – lol. We’re looking forward to taking more lessons outside and enjoying the fresh air.

We've had a fantastic week as we approach the end of the first quarter.


Our students have made incredible strides in math fluency with Mr. Moore. Each class starts with ten minutes of fact fluency, and the students are mastering their math facts with impressive accuracy.

Our upper-level students have been excelling in their ASU Algebra class, and they’ll be preparing for their first quiz next week. I’m confident they’ll do great! Meanwhile, other students are working on real-world skills like budgeting and planning. One student is even creating a detailed trip plan to Universal Studios, including transportation, costs, and logistics—what a practical and fun way to learn!

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In Social Studies, our middle schoolers have been immersed in a unit on Colonial Life. They’ve learned about education, food, jobs, and recreation from that era. They even got hands-on by playing marbles, writing with quill pens, and making butter! Did you know the marble game played in the 1800s was called “Ring Taw”? Such a fun and interactive way to connect with history.

A big thank you to Inspire Social & Fitness for coming out this week to lead a group fitness session for our students. It was a fantastic way to support both cognitive functioning and overall wellness.

Lastly, we’d like to invite you to our end-of-quarter celebration on Friday, October 4. We’ll be hosting a Bocce Ball tournament with students, teachers, and families, followed by a pizza lunch. We hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend!



October 4 - End of Quarter 1

October 7 - 11 - Fall Break

October 14 - First day of the second quarter

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Contact Us

Phone: 602-892-0099

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